Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Christmas List 2010

I was talking to my mother on the phone and she told me I had better get started on my Christmas list (apparently SOMEONE wants to start shopping) so I figured I would compile a wish list (just like Oprah) and maybe you'll see something that strikes your fancy as well.

1. A train case from Sephora. As you will notice on my September 14th post, I have a tiny fascination with makeup. Unfortunately, my collection has outgrown it's current case and I have makeup stuffed everywhere, and I now desperately need a new one. This is the one I've chosen.

 You can find it here. Of course there many types and sizes, but this one will serve my needs perfectly.

2. Girl Meets Pearl. This is one of those beauty fix-its that will transform you from dreary to cheery in about 30 seconds. Also looks good on everyone.

Available here on Benefit Cosmetics' website.

3. This adorable Kate Spade bangle. It says things like "smile at a stranger" and the inside says "give it a whirl". I don't usually wear gold, but I think for this I could make an exception.
4. This adorable L. Erickson flower headband. SO cute. 
That's all for now, but keep your eyes peeled for more awesome yuletide gifts.

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